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Village Municipal Office Phone: 845-279-3760
Village Court Office Phone: 845-279-4020
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
Friday: CLOSED

Village of Brewster, NY

Carmel Avenue Bridge

Attention Residents and Commuters:

The Carmel Avenue Bridge will have work being performed close to train tracks on or about December 17th. To facilitate this, the work will be done at night, the contractor expects that there will be no impact to traffic. However, light towers would be used to illuminate the work area but should not affect the nearby residences, and we expect this work to last only one night.

If you have any concerns about this project, please call the Village Offices.

New Carmel Avenue Bridge (Route 6) in Brewster - current rendering as of 10/24/19.
New 4-way signaled intersection at Michael Neuner Road, Better and safer vehicular
and pedestrian traffic flow. Tentative end date: November, 2020. Weather delays
could push that to spring of 2021. Minimal interference with current traffic flow
as the new bridge will be built independently while the current traffic continues
to flow over the old bridge and roadway.

Carmel Ave Bridge1000