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Village Municipal Office Phone: 845-279-3760
Village Court Office Phone: 845-279-4020
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
Friday: CLOSED

Village of Brewster, NY


What is it that makes the water turn orange when they flush the hydrant?

Minerals – Primarily Iron & Manganese

The Village of Brewster supply source is ground water drawn from five sand and gravel wells.

The semiannual hydrant flushing purges the system of the accumulated settlement of these minerals suspended in the ground water.

Opening the hydrants and increasing the water flow causes the disturbance of this settlement so that it may be flushed from the system.

Does running the tap water make it clear up faster? 

No.  To the contrary, running the water prolongs the turbulence in the system.  The best thing to do is use as little water as possible for 12 to 24 hours so the system has a chance to settle out and clear. 

Why does my toilet run after hydrant flushing?

Sometimes tiny particulate gets caught under the flush valve seal in the toilet holding tank preventing it from sealing tightly.  The same can be true for washers and aerators (strainers) in faucets.  Make sure your faucets and toilets are not leaking and are unobstructed after hydrant flushing.  If you have strainers on washer supply hoses you should also check them but refraining from doing laundry for a 24 to 48-hour period from October 2nd is recommended.  

After this flushing, the next hydrant flushing is scheduled to be on April 16, 2024.

All water meters in the Village require inspection.

Water meters were furnished by and remain the property of the Village.  The water meter must be kept accessible at all times.  Employees and agents of the Village may enter the premises of the owner at any reasonable time to examine the pipes and fixtures, the quantity of the water used and the manner of its use.  For the purposes of this article, the hours from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. shall be considered reasonable. (refer to Village Code Chapter 257-42, 257-44, but not limited thereto.) 


In addition to water meter inspections, the Village will be checking for illegal sanitary sewer connections.  Such prohibited connections include, but are not limited to, footing drains, roof leaders, roof drains, cellar drains, sump pumps, catch basins, uncontaminated cooling water discharges, or other sources of inflow.  (refer to Village Code Chapter 193-78, but not limited thereto.)